To maintain a protective level of security, move your presentation to a trusted location instead of changing the default Trust Center settings to a less safe security setting. 要保持防护性安全级别,请将演示文稿移到可信位置,而不要将默认的信任中心设置更改为安全性较低的安全设置。
Protective principle of administrative trust belongs to an important principle established in Administrative Licensing Law. 信赖保护原则是我国《行政许可法》所确立的一项重要原则。
It is considered legal principle of protective principle of administrative trust is a general law principle of honor for the honest rather than due to analogy of honest and trustworthy principle in civil law. 认为信赖保护原则的法理基础是诚实守信的一般法律原则,而非由民法上的诚实信用原则类推产生。
It is considered that, in administrative licensing protective principle of administrative trust so-called is that, in legal relation of administrative licensing, as principle and system the interests obtained of an administrative and relative person based on administrative trust should be protected. 认为所谓行政许可中的信赖保护原则,就是在行政许可法律关系中,对行政相对人基于对于行政机关的信赖而产生的利益予以保护的原则和制度。